Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reading Notes: Great Plains Part B

Price of Truth
There was a Coyote that always walked in a straight line across the prairie. He heard someone call out to him telling him to stop. He looked around seeing no one kept on walking. He then heard someone say for him to walk around. Again the Coyote was perplexed seeing no one. He walked a bit further until the Coyote saw the snake. The Snake would not move and said walk around again. To this the Coyote said I do not want to walk around you. Then the Coyote told the Snake to get out of his way. The Snake said he had never thought to move for anyone let alone the Coyote. The Coyote said he would still run over him. The Snake then threatened to kill him if he walked over. The Coyote laughed it off saying that the Snake couldn’t possibly kill him. So he walked over him and the Snake bit him. The Coyote mocked the snake telling him that he isn’t dead yet. The Snake held his tongue knowing what was to come. The Coyote traveled on until he came to a creek for some water. He drank from the creek seeing his reflection in the water thinking to himself that he was quite fat. He then walked on until he was quite tired. He then lay down and went to sleep never to wake up again. The Snake’s words held true.

Image result for coyote vs snake

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