Friday, October 11, 2019

Week 8 Progress

Looking Back
I would say I am moderately okay with the progress I have made so far. I feel as though I can make vast improvements on what I do to be more efficient and to come up with better story ideas. I do have a weekly routine now, but it took me a while to come up with it. I will start the routine next week doing all the notes one day and the story the next. I will then work on the project on Friday and Saturday submitting it on Sunday. I think I enjoy the readings the most but for assignments I would say the story. I like writing stories and would like to get better at it. I love reading and want to improve at putting my ideas on to paper. I have not used any of the extra credit options yet but will do so this week and the next. I will try to do one a weak to get my points up and finish the class faster. I think for the blog and website things are coming along smoothly. I am not really a tech genius, so it takes me a while to figure it all out. I am trying my best to make it look as cool as possible. I am currently trying to find a way to attach a link box on the introduction page that takes people to a playlist to listen to while they read my stories.
Looking Forward
I want to be more efficient and get things turned in well before they are due. I want to spend more time brainstorming ideas for stories to come up with good ones. I want to avoid doing things last minute. I live a very busy life, but I would like to be able to schedule time to do things for this class. I want to try to come at stories from a different angle each time other than simply retelling the story. I want to be able to find a way to have a moving background on my website and blog. I want to make it look interesting and eye catching. I don’t know if the websites I am using allow for that though. 
Image result for motivation 


  1. Hey Dallas,

    That's great that you seem to have a routine down. I can relate with having a problem putting ideas on paper and I think this class is helping with that. One way that you could get away from just retelling a story is changing up the plot. For example changing the bad character into a good character and vice versa. I also like the background and layout of your blog. Good luck this semester.

  2. Hey there! I think this is a great idea to incorporate more extra credit to help yourself finish earlier and stay ahead of schedule! You have done a great job with your writing assignments, and I can tell you really enjoy the writing process. As for the schedules, I am glad you have found a schedule that works best for you, this will come in handy in the finishing weeks of this course when other classes begin to pile up even more!
