Monday, September 9, 2019

Feedback Strategies for Success

I read The Difference Between Praise and Feedback and How to Give Bad Feedback WithoutBeing a Jerk. I read these after I got some pointers from the Feedback Gallery. I have to say I never thought about these things when I would give people feedback. When I was looking at the Feedback Gallery, I learned a lot about how to point things out that do not make sense. Usually I would just leave it at that is awful or great when I looked at someone’s creation or work. I think being able to point out the whys to my comments to be quite helpful. I might not be right but at least they will understand where I am coming from when I give that opinion. When I read the article The Difference Between Praise and Feedback I kind of learned that just pointing out the good things someone does hinders their growth. I have always believed that growth comes through challenges and adversity. They mainly spoke unto parents raising children where this topic is most influential, but I also feel it is relative to those older that are looking to help others grow. Lay back on the praise, looking for the holes which you could poke into their work or areas at which the person could improve. The article How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk I found to be really helpful towards myself. I have a problem with being blunt sometimes and I think being able to tell someone that improvement needs to be made while not entirely ruining that person’s morale to be vital. I learned that first you must establish if this person wants honest feedback. If they do, then you are able to give them your opinion from your perspective explaining yourself the best you can to let them know why you feel the way you do. You must get off your high horse and talk to them as someone you want to see succeed. Feedback is vital for growth, that is why I feel it is important that one is always looking for it. One must take the good with the bad feedback and see where they can improve. 

Image result for feedback 

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