Sunday, September 1, 2019

Topic Brainstorm

I have several different ideas when it comes to possible storybooks that I might do. The first of them being a story book based off the Brothers Grimm. I would take a story that they did not write that was familiar to me and turn it into a Brothers Grimm esk story. I would make the story or series of stories sound as if they wrote it. I would turn a couple happy children’s stories into a darker illustration then the previous version. As to what stories I have yet to pick. I would pick the most light hearted one I could and maybe combine it with something from the grim brothers work or just turn it into something darker. For instance stories like Cinderella, Princess and the Pea, and lastly Curious George.

The next idea I have for a storybook is going into changelings. For this project I would either come up with a new story revolving around the idea of changelings that was partially inspired from the reading or the retelling of several other stories regarding changelings. I may even turn the basis of the story from dark evil changelings to possibly hopeful where the changeling becomes a part of the family and they live happily ever after. I still have to work out which way I would spin it to make it different. Sources: Changeling information, Different Changeling legends.

The third option I have for my storybook is based on tricksters. I would write it about a couple tricksters meeting. These tricksters would be from different stories each with their own personalities and tricks up their sleeves. I may even do it to where they were competing to see who could pull the most tricks. I would do probably two or three adaptation retelling for two to three of the chapters. Then the last chapter would include the tricksters from the previous chapters combined into this one chapter. Sources: Different stories regarding Coyote, Tricksters Wikipedia, Stories about Anansi, Loki.

My last idea for the storybook would revolve around werewolves. I have always been fascinated with the topic so I would combine the several different types of werewolves in the different chapters. One of the chapters I would talk about a man that became a werewolf by dawning a ring that allowed a wolf spirit to flow into him changing him. This combines both the story where the man could put on a belt and turn into a werewolf, and the Human Animals where the wolf spirit comes into the man. Another chapter I would probably do a spin on Beauty and the Beast, but where the beast was a werewolf that went on killing sprees, adding a darker tone to the original story. I have several different ideas based around werewolves that I could do stories about, these are but a few of my ideas. A few sources; Human Animals, Book of Werewolves.

Image result for changeling 

Füssli - Der Wechselbalg

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