Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 4 Lab: Some Advice to Writers

I gained a lot of advice pertaining to writing from the advice to writers’ website. I learned how a lot of people got their start writing. Most people just picked up a pencil and started writing and found they loved it. From what I read in the interview section many of these people that started writing were ones that had a love for stories to begin with. They loved the way the stories filled their mind and came to life. As for a problem that most writers will face at some point when they are trying to get something on paper known as writer’s block. The solution to this is just to continue writing. One person quoted Anne Lamott by saying, “Just do it. Butt in chair.” Another person had the idea to just come at the subject matter from a different angle till you find an angle that works. I also learned that all the lines and characters in a fiction must mean something, and that it shouldn’t just be wasted space. Some advice that stuck with me is that the important thing is to write and not push of writing until you get some sort of inspiration. Getting started in writing can be tough and you may not know where to start, but the easiest thing to do is to write about something that interests you. Something else that could help new writers is to not pay attention to other people’s paths. Focus on yourself and where you are going, while discovering what fascinates you and dive into it. I feel all of this advice is relevant and can help someone not only start writing but get through difficult projects. In times of struggling to find the motivation or inspiration it is best just to start the writing. In times of writers block, just get started writing.
Source: AdviceToWriters

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